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Procedure for revising wireless LAN connection settings: Windows 10

Delete setting of Windows 10 / Windows 10 S

To revise settings of keiomobile2 eduroam, carry out the following procedure.

The sample screen is an example for keiomobile2.
If performing using eduroam, execute substituting the word [eduroam] for [keiomobile2].

  1. Click [Start button] and click [Settings] icon.

  2. When the setting screen opens, click [Network and Internet] and click [Wi-Fi] and [Manage Known Networks].

  3. Click on the Wi-Fi profile you want to delete, a button will appear. Click [Delete].

  4. If the profile deleted from [Manage Known Networks] has disappeared, it is completed.

    If you can not delete the profile in the above procedure, please try here.

  5. After PC has restarted, Please execute the password-based authentication setting procedure.

    Password connection to keiomobile2/eduroam (Windows 10)

Last-Modified: January 7, 2023

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