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Login and Logout operation


  1. Please access to keio.jp.
  2. Please input your "Keio ID" and Password, and click [Login] button.
    If the cache you login before remains, the following screen will not be displayed. In this case, please refer to the "3." without this operation.

  3. Please click "Mail" at "Google Workspace(formerly G Suite)" after login.
    ( You can access to mail service on Google Workspace also to click "Keio Mail" at "Category" - "ALL".)

  4. The following screen will be displayed.
    When you access to Google Workspace first time, "terms of use" and "privacy policies" will be displayed. Please click accept.

Google services direct login

A shortcut has been set for direct login to all services of Google Workspace for Education(formerly G Suite for Education).
Clicking the following URL will permit use of each service after keio.jp confirmation.

  1. Mail: http://mails.keio.jp/


  1. Please click "Sign out" in your account at the upper right on the screen.

Update Information

October 31, 2014: Created.
January 29, 2015: Adding contents to Google services direct login

Last-Modified: June 24, 2024

The content ends at this position.