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  • Japanese

Notices Q&A

Below are answers to questions about using notices.

  1. How is the registered contents in Notice page informed to students?
  2. I have messages for specific students, can I inform them?
  3. When I clicked on the Register button after registered contents for the notice, Message "Entered content is defective. * Enter 2,000 bytes or less of class material" is displayed.

1. How is the registered contents in Notice page informed to students?

Students know the notice after just log in the Class Support, and they can also know the notice by email message(in template/typing). In addition, when you send the notice of message to specific student, use the message of function, and when you want to know the way, refer to How to use messages.

2. I have messages for specific students, can I inform them?

The notice is the function of displaying the message for students who are taking the class. When you notice to indivisul students, use the message function. In addtion, for you know the way, refer to How to use messages.

3. When I clicked on the Register button after registered contents for the notice, Message "Entered content is defective. * Enter 2,000 bytes or less of class material" is displayed.

This cause is the using UTF-8 for character code and message is calculated in each character sizes. Single-byte character is 1 byte, Double-byte characters(Japanese and other of asian characters) is 3 bytes, Line feed character is 2 bytes. Please edit contents and register the notice in considering each character sizes.

Last-Modified: June 25, 2019

The content ends at this position.