Questionnaire (Confirming state of responses / Comment confirmation)
Confirming state of responses
You can see the state of responses of Questionnaires for which state of responses is released.
Select the [Questionnaire] tag.
Click [Display] from the operation field at the left of a questionnaire that you want to check.
(If state of responses is not released, the [Display] button is not displayed.)

The [Total contents response results] screen is displayed. After confirming state of responses, press the [Return] button of the screen.

Comment confirmation
A faculty member may attach a comment to a Questionnaire you have replied to.
(If anonymity is [On], there will be no comment because the person who responded is unknown.)
Select the [Questionnaire] tag.
For a Questionnaire with a comment from a faculty member, [Yes] is displayed in the comment box.
Clicking the title of a Questionnaire opens the Questionnaire details screen.

[Comment from faculty member] is displayed below the part where an outline of the Questionnaire is entered, and you can check the contents of the comment.
After finishing checking the comment, return to the previous screen using the [Return] button on the lower left of the screen.

Last-Modified: May 11, 2018
The content ends at this position.