About changing specification of authentication page for ITC website

There was a change in specification of the authentication page for when accessing "About ITC" or each of ITC's web sites from out side school.
Conventionally there was a necessity to key in the Keio.jp's user name by the format of "user@subdomain.keio.jp" and it's password to access those pages. With the change, it is now able to get logged in by using any of "user@keio.jp" format KeioID, ITC account or SFC-CNS ID(user@sfc.keio.ac.jp). There will be no change that there will be no need to attempt authentication for accessing those websites from inside school.
In addition, now the authentication page has became the general login screen. It will be showing the phrase "ITC Website" for those login target application. (right figure)
Last-Modified: December 26, 2014
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