[FINISHED] Change of MathWorks account to keio.jp authentication
This was done by MathWorks on or about 9/25
The MathWorks account used for MATLAB license authentication, etc. will be changed from original authentication to keio.jp authentication.

MathWorks has informed us that the transition will take place without notice within the following time period, with the implementation date and time to be determined at MathWorks' convenience. Requests for the switchover date and time were not accepted.
Date: Scheduled to take place August 14-31, 2023.
Specific times may not be notified.
Eligibility: MATLAB Users
The MathWorks account has xxxxx@keio.jp set as the user name and a different password from keio.jp, but after the switchover, the keio.jp password will be used for authentication. The password set individually for the MathWorks account will no longer be available.
Contact information:
MathWorks Customer Support
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Last-Modified: November 8, 2023
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