Reconfirmation of User Attribute Data Submission when Using the Academic Access Management Federation in Japan (GakuNin) (March 29)
The Keio University Academic Access Management Federation System asks users for permission to agree to the Terms of Use when using the system for the first time, or when sending user attribute data requested by external services.
Due to the system update, after 10:00a.m. on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, you may be asked to reconfirm your agreement to the Terms of Use and to send attribute data about the user when using services that support Academic Certification Federation Service (GakuNin). you may be asked to reconfirm your agreement to the Terms of Use and to send attribute data about users when using services that support the Academic Certification Federation Service (Gaku-authentication) after 10:00a.m. on March 29, 2022 (Tuesday).

For more information about the attributes sent to the Keio Academic Certification System and external services, please see the following page.
- the Academic Access Management Federation in Japan (GakuNin)
- The Keio University Academic Access Management Federation System (in Japanese)
- Attributes sent to external services via GakuNin (in Japanese)
Last-Modified: March 24, 2022
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