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Settings to use email software in Gmail


The new system (Gmail) is premised on use as Web mail.But it is likely that some of you want to send and receive email using the email software you are accustomed to using.So you can use it with POP3 or IMAP4.
For the normal information for setting, see "Using on POP3/IMAP4".

Settings to use email software in Gmail

This section shows examples of settings for typical email software.

Revision History

2014/11/06: First created
2015/03/11: Introduction
2015/04/10: Link change
2015/10/02: "If you cannot connect with your email software" add
2015/10/13: Windows 10 Mail App add
2020/03/31: Update to setting (Thunderbird, Becky!Ver2), add(Office 365 Outlook)
2023/06/26: Removed setup procedure with email software password
2025/01/07: Removed "Windows 10 Mail App". Added "Outlook (new) (Outlook for Windows)".

Last-Modified: January 8, 2025

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